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  1. Ayumi

    r59 Page-Client.Tpl And Client For Noobs xD And .Htacess

    Since this is for noobs, you should go into more detail of what it is for, why it is here and why they need it etc. But nice release,
  2. Ayumi

    Release[Egyptian Furni ] 2010

    Thanks for this, will go in my furniture bundle folder LOL. It is just something I collect, anyways... (Y)
  3. Ayumi

    [FLATFILE] -Relax Furni- [Release]

    Wouldn't really say it is new, but you should give credits to who actually did release it? Anyways, thanks.
  4. Ayumi

    [Release] Laboratory Furni

    Uhum, habbo and its weird furniture these days, thanks for this though. (Y)
  5. Ayumi

    [REL] Battle Banzai Hotel View

    Love you for releasing this Thomas. <3.
  6. Ayumi

    [VID] Porn Tech Support (CollegeHumor)

    Yah LOL.
  7. Ayumi

    Need With Portforwarding Or Make A Hamachi Network

    You should be able to port-forward any router, this is what mine looks like: Sexy, I know right :]
  8. Ayumi

    Need With Portforwarding Or Make A Hamachi Network

    What make is your router? e.g netgear, linkseys etc
  9. Ayumi

    The truth about devbest members!

    I am actually Bi.. so all but one xD!
  10. Ayumi

    Need With Portforwarding Or Make A Hamachi Network

    Jack, stop double posting XD Secondly, your router make should be something like: Linkseys, mine is NETGEAR v2WNRR
  11. Ayumi

    The truth about devbest members!

    0115 9177624 <3.
  12. Ayumi

    The truth about devbest members!

    xD I am glad I wasn't apart of this and I was on B.O at the time.
  13. Ayumi

    How To Add Catagorys In UberHotel?

    phpMyAdmin > sitenavi > create / edit them.
  14. Ayumi

    Importanty for the hotel

    Try using pre-hosted DCR's first, to see if your hotel actually loads via that way, then check your ports and IP's so that they match with the emu...
  15. Ayumi

    Uber ?

    You should have something like this: edit it to what I put... ## uberEmulator System Configuration File ## Must be edited for the server to work ## MySQL Configuration db.hostname=localhost db.port=3306 db.username=root db.password=*MYPHPADMINPASS**DATABASE* ## MySQL pooling...
  16. Ayumi

    I need help hosting DCR's

    You could also just make an account on a web-host, for example or 000webhost and upload them their, set the links on your loader/housekeeping to them and click save, but make sure you edit the IP and Ports correctly to match your emu.
  17. Ayumi

    [Rel]Coded Command For RP[REL]

    Cheers for this, using it in a new EMU I might release.. ^.^ Keep doing more (Y)
  18. Ayumi

    Release[New Habbo Old Skool v18 Loader] 2010 Working

    Maybe post some screenshots? Or give a little bit more description on what it looks like, special features, any edited items on it etc..
  19. Ayumi

    Fulake RP CMS R37.5

    Could you update the screenshots please?
  20. Ayumi

    [DISCUSSION] Best Habbo Emulator Developed

    Dissi's source <3.