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  1. Dayron1234

    [RP][REL] My 1st release ;)[REL][RP]

    He just gave you the code above ^^
  2. Dayron1234

    Black Client Screen

    This is easy to fix just update your web-build to 63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/68
  3. Dayron1234

    need help with new r63swfs

    Why do you people think that it has to do with the emulator in order for the SWFS to work? Its the dam SWFS the emulator works with EVERY version.As winterpartys said set your figure data correctly and it should work
  4. Dayron1234

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Getting it today :) but I will most likely play online more often rather then beating the levels ect...
  5. Dayron1234

    Virtual Private Server help!

    Hmmmm.... you can just change the port in xampp I believe but never tried but you can
  6. Dayron1234

    Virtual Private Server help!

    Do you have Skype? if so I believe Skype uses port 80
  7. Dayron1234

    Whats your SExuality?

    So I see you like man and woman... well I'm straight all the way!
  8. Dayron1234

    [Rastas] Account Settings [Help]

    Why do it on there? just give people custom clothing via PMA and go on habborp to get the clothing codes and there you have custom clothes
  9. Dayron1234

    Opinion on Habbo Hotel

    Without Habbo we wouldn't have got any ideas of the flash that are today tbh.So without Habbo and there SWFS plus web_build we would be fucked aswell
  10. Dayron1234

    Introduction :)

    Thats not nice Rasta lol
  11. Dayron1234

    Four day weekend!

    I'm not jealous because I live in USA so I get that aswell! plus I get friday off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Dayron1234

    Introduction :)

    To bad this isn't in spam section :(
  13. Dayron1234

    Introduction :)

    We are not a family we are so called a pack !!!!!!!!!
  14. Dayron1234

    Introduction :)

    Funny how a girl in my school has that name that is dating my friend but anyways welcome to devbest
  15. Dayron1234

    How do you get in clan habbo?????

    Ask the owner whats up with the client OR it might be offline
  16. Dayron1234

    When i should install phpretro i got this ''warnings''

    You didn't edit the config.php file correctly!
  17. Dayron1234

    Mobile/iPhone/iTouch/iPad/iPod Skin?

    Nice gonna use it
  18. Dayron1234

    dev mobil?

    Well it works fine for me on my ipod touch but when people talk it is just slow as hell but is quite good
  19. Dayron1234

    [Tutorial] The noobs guide to SQL injections.

    Thanks I will in a few hours or so cba atm LOL
  20. Dayron1234

    [Tutorial] The noobs guide to SQL injections.

    I use mcAfee but anyways I can't extract it?