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  1. Sledmur

    Show DevBest Wget for Windows

    Bassically everything a mac can do without add-ons, but built for windows :p
  2. Sledmur

    World War III, Will it happen?

    :o Since when has this not been obvious :>
  3. Sledmur

    Do you think I haz it

    Yeah, I agree with above <.<
  4. Sledmur

    Post your desktop!

  5. Sledmur

    World War III, Will it happen?

    50/50 Would nukes get used? Possibly. The same logic is the reason the U.S has done several other things very similar...
  6. Sledmur

    Make UberCMS Password work with rev?

  7. Sledmur

    Make UberCMS Password work with rev?

    -.- My user accounts not my myadmin and them... They work off 2 completely different hashes....
  8. Sledmur

    Make UberCMS Password work with rev?

    Well obv, you have no clue what your talking about :)
  9. Sledmur

    Port fowarding

    I agree with xyro... Especially if you live with someone who likes their internet.... You will be bombarded with hackers, and you will lagg like fuck.
  10. Sledmur

    Make UberCMS Password work with rev?

    Is there a way i can do this? I spent 4 hours last night trying to convert the hash and uberhashing into rev and it simply wont work..... I need help from some1 with expertise in this field ;) I would like to do it without a wipe. Or if theres a way i can convert my passwords? Id be really...
  11. Sledmur

    [Seed] Ravines, River, Mountain Range, NPC Villages

    How exactly do i find the seed?
  12. Sledmur

    UberCMS Client HELP!

    Check your swfs out, make sure your using the most up-to date builds and all that...
  13. Sledmur

    Enabling cURL on XAMPP! - TheHabbos API Script (1.0.1)

    very helpful for the "noobs"
  14. Sledmur

    [Discussion] Habbo - Is it dying?

    Alot of people can talk and say that it is. But the way I see habbo isnt going anywhere soon. They have got to mcuh wrapped up in it, and it would cause quite alot of trouble if they did die off.
  15. Sledmur

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    I would like to see a style switcher? As most users usually have a style they prefer over the one your currently using? This would be an epic add-on :)
  16. Sledmur

    [TuT] How to make a R63 Hotel [TuT]

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to make a tutorial on how to set one up with a web host?
  17. Sledmur


    lol wut?