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  1. MayoMayn

    Show DevBest InGame - Gaming Database.

    I'd go with a linux VPS with nginx for production. Edit: you should make the footer sticky. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  2. MayoMayn


    Yup that. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  3. MayoMayn


    Just change the PASSWORD_BCRYPT to PASSWORD_DEFAULT, your user validation stuff is incorrect too. I will fix it for you later. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  4. MayoMayn


    Both of them are PHP functions. Just include the cost array in your password_hash(), and use the password_verify() to verify. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  5. MayoMayn


    password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => 12]); I'd just stick with the ordinary PASSWORD_DEFAULT and without the array, unless you're providing your own hashing. And for validation, just use: password_verify( $pass, // unencrypted password that the user has entered in the...
  6. MayoMayn

    Habbo closing soon?

    And basically wasn't owned by a bunch of noobs, that would close the hotel within a month. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  7. MayoMayn

    Console Section & Web Market?

    Including torrents. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  8. MayoMayn

    I really need this as help

    No, not yet if I remember correctly. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  9. MayoMayn

    [LucidCMS] PDO - OOP - Ajax - Secure - Modern - Fast - Advanced

    Going to code group forums into the CMS, so that it doesnt have to be on the client-side. I've given it a thought, and I don't really seem to like the group forums on the client, because well it's ugly as fuck.
  10. MayoMayn

    Habbo closing soon?

    Most of the newcomers to Habbo, only plays retros because they can have free HC and nearly unlimited values, so no, thats not really gonna change a thing by putting back dicemasters. Maybe for some of the old players like me, but not really for the new ones. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  11. MayoMayn

    Habbo closing soon?

    I've read their Habbo's whole T&C and that is pretty much how it goes. Rather Habbo than those script kiddies acting as developers on their shitty retro. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  12. MayoMayn

    Recruiting Free Retro Hosting/Recruiting Retros/Looking for French people

    Nah, I got my main VPS from then I got a trial one at vpsserver to test out their service.
  13. MayoMayn

    Recruiting Free Retro Hosting/Recruiting Retros/Looking for French people

    Hook me up Wicked. Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
  14. MayoMayn

    Teamspeak Protection - UDP Proxy?

    Probs to you, you're right, but cURL requests doesn't matter in this state, when we're talking about rendering speed when a user visits a website. Wrong benchmarks provided lmfao.
  15. MayoMayn

    Teamspeak Protection - UDP Proxy?

    Aren't retros and this site proof enough of its lack in speed and protection?
  16. MayoMayn

    Teamspeak Protection - UDP Proxy?

    You're telling me this is fast? That is slow as fuck. That is most likely what results would be, after I try to fetch 8K rows from a MySQL database. Without any MySQL queries, my current index rendering time is approx 0.000020 seconds, so well, this is one slow fucking site.
  17. MayoMayn

    Teamspeak Protection - UDP Proxy?

    That is pretty fucking slow.
  18. MayoMayn

    Applicant Back-End Developer.

    This guy really lack brain capacity.
  19. MayoMayn

    Teamspeak Protection - UDP Proxy?

    Rather go with a service that works better, than using piece of shit CloudFlare providing unrealistic bad SSLs and server optimization that just slows down speed even more. Every website that I've seen using CloudFlare is slower than my grandma trying to walk past people in malls. Devbest and...
  20. MayoMayn

    Teamspeak Protection - UDP Proxy?

    When did I mention Bitninja in the comment you just replied to? This is a service attached to your VPS, so there's not any logs at all. Gonna translate it for you. "iODC ARMS Anti DDoS* Vi er de eneste i Danmark med mere end 500Gbps DDoS beskyttelse." "We are the only company...