Most Popular: @JayCustom
Funniest User: @Leader
Most Inspirational: @Leader
Most Hated: @Nebulaa
Cockiest User: @RastaLulz
Most Professional: @Sledetta
Most Missed: @Nobody
Biggest Nerd: @RastaLulz
All-Time Legend: @Kryptos
Biggest Fag: @Nebulaa
Staff Member of the Year...
Hey. I have some great ideas however can't code so was wondering if you would like to start a project of creating/heavily editing a CMS with me... If so add my Skype, @SpaceRyanz
I want to make it so that mercury updates everything once it is changed when I give someone credits it doesn';t update til they leave the client along with diamonds and duckets.
and the online users takes a few mintues to update
Wait what bump