I would play them if A. They had a nice website B. They are online alot (if not 24/7) C. If the do keep updating and edit the DCRS etc and make it good :P
You should add the part where you edit/add rares into ASE instead of on the site itself. Just to keep everything organised and together. But otherwise its really good ;)
Download Hamachi
Make a website (webs, Moonfruit)
Go to habbolibre.com - create a loader with your Hamachi IP and port 80 -
Download a server (bloodline, debbo) config the server.
Start the server and go onto the client on website.
I assume your just going to do a simple PC run...
7/10 Could either get rid of the black bars at the top and bottom or make it a border all the way around and maybe make the Reflection/Animation a tad slower