Search results

  1. JTAG

    R63B Database (Make all furni stackable & Stack Height) any one have a SQL for this?

    Title says it all, is there a SQL for r63b database to make all furni stackable and height of stack.
  2. JTAG

    R63B (client and Swfs help setting up) giving rank '6' if can help.

    Okay dude thanks for your time, feel free to drop and request on skype: BradleySwain1996 means alot. Regards - JTAG
  3. JTAG

    R63B (client and Swfs help setting up) giving rank '6' if can help.

    Emu is fine and fully working. Its my external_variables and config. that I need help on linking. could you help over TV?
  4. JTAG

    R63B (client and Swfs help setting up) giving rank '6' if can help.

    I have everything set up RevCMS the lot everything is up and running apart from client yes I know how to set swfs up by changing ip*external_variables* and linking in config. but i'm struggling to link them as its already been heavily edited, its a easy rank '6' manager in my hotel to get so...
  5. JTAG

    R63B (client and Swfs help setting up) giving rank '6' if can help.

    Need helping fixing client/swfs (R63B hotel) doing this over team viewer so don't beg for VPS details. Will be giving rank '6' for who ever can fix/setup this problem. - Regards JTAG