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  1. VoidHotel

    My new sig!

    Ok whats so cool about that lmao
  2. VoidHotel

    Whats the best Habbo Cms Edit

    yes but i want something good that has ever thing added I'm not the best coder mostly edit shit that not called coding but ya and adding shit
  3. VoidHotel

    My new sig!

    whats this about lol
  4. VoidHotel

    Whats the best Habbo Cms Edit

    I know rev cms is the best but what themes and edits. what are the best ? thanks hope i get some good ones and were to find them:)
  5. VoidHotel

    Help {Point shop From RZ!!!

    Can some one help with this
  6. VoidHotel

    VPS Error Shows Directory

    web.config need i think?
  7. VoidHotel

    Help {Point shop From RZ!!!

    HELP I found a point shop from rz and it not work when i go to link it give me this!! 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. it might have to have web.config file but how do i make...
  8. VoidHotel

    can you help me fix the housekeeping in revms habbo theme

    can you help me fix the housekeeping in revms habbo theme
  9. VoidHotel

    Service Making Custom Habbo.SWF Files

    Just use a habbo text generator to make the logo. SunHotel
  10. VoidHotel

    Service Making Custom Habbo.SWF Files

    make one for sunhotel
  11. VoidHotel

    you want to make a hotel

    you want to make a hotel
  12. VoidHotel

    Quick question

    Revcms? for r63 phpretro for v26?
  13. VoidHotel

    Service Retro logo making! FUR FREE D00D! (CookieMonsta)

    Hotel Name: Sun Hotel.
  14. VoidHotel

    {HELP] How do i make the welcome room!!

  15. VoidHotel

    {HELP] How do i make the welcome room!!

    but you logout of tv?
  16. VoidHotel

    {HELP] How do i make the welcome room!!

    yes but is it hard ?
  17. VoidHotel

    {HELP] How do i make the welcome room!!

    How do I make a welcome room when you login client and takes you to welcome room? can some one help
  18. VoidHotel

    why you not on msn

    why you not on msn
  19. VoidHotel

    {Help} WIth furni Not loading or catalogue

    in the config? naver mine thanks
  20. VoidHotel

    {Help} WIth furni Not loading or catalogue

    thats what i got?