Instead of just telling him that he is a bad designer, tell him how to improve his design. I got some ideas for you.
Divide the content into 3 columns, divs
make "standard" boxes that has an automated width
Use other colors rather then just white and grey (harder to see the content, a trick is...
A social network needs a lot of time and patience to get it right and secure. I would say that you first make a plan, make a visual design using like photoshop or framework to make a pic of your website with dimensions and all that stuff, brainstorm what functions should be there and so on...
I will pause the development of the CMS because of some personal reasons. If DevBest decides to close the thread, I will get back later with the release. Otherwise I will keep updating the thread along when I have solved some things out.
No, I'm going to make language files, maybe using cookies so you manually can set a standard language, and then people can have their own language :D I'll have to see, but 100% there will be language files! :)
Edit: There will also be a more "habbo" theme included in the V1 release.
Some update:
I have been working on some functions with jQuery that will make the site run smooth and make it much more comfortable for the user to browse around. Also with jQuery I can have much more data loaded into 1 page but decreasing the loading time since some divs are hidden from start...