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  1. Zaka

    Show DevBest Basic URL Shortener

    Not talking about the domain, talking about the rest -> /url/8199malsom8kroaikqkaniiaoa EDIT: Looked at your post, 1 letter and so on after is no good later on.
  2. Zaka

    Show DevBest Basic URL Shortener

    It's not really short :/, for it to be short it should have been http://localhost/123456 for example.
  3. Zaka

    Question: About the Phoenix Gameports

    Otherwise I'll help you tomorrow.
  4. Zaka

    Question: About the Phoenix Gameports

    Once he starts the emulator the ports will be shown as open.
  5. Zaka

    Question: About the Phoenix Gameports

    Why don't you listen? I said that the ports 30000-30001 will be shown as closed as long as your emulator is off.
  6. Zaka

    Question: About the Phoenix Gameports

    They are all TCP but once you start your emulator you will se the ports as open.
  7. Zaka

    MoonPHPi - Development - Brand new CMS in OOP PHP & MySQLi

    I'll be finishing it soon, when we get a break from school.
  8. Zaka

    Users rooms.

    Maybe something before that lines of code is wrong.
  9. Zaka

    Requesting help!

    I would say, start of with HTML and CSS, followed by PHP and MySQL if you want to be programming webapplications. Otherwise I would say, Java to start of with and thereafter C++ and C#.
  10. Zaka

    Users rooms.

    Indeed it's true that you can write code like this: <?php if(statement) echo $var; else die(); ?> but thats ONLY when the code is one row, otherwise you gotta open and close it, so for your code to work you should have following code: Habbo rooms: <select name="cars"...
  11. Zaka

    Problems with MySQL

    You should create a database, then take the database name and put it under database. For the prefix it could be anything. With prefix tan_ it will be like this in the database for example: TABLE tan_users
  12. Zaka

    Recruiting [PAID] Habs Hotel Technician

    Well I could do that. EDIT: I have a wide knowledge of PHP and MySQLi, MySQL and such.
  13. Zaka

    TubboCMS (Looks Neat :) )

    You absolutely should NOT take 10% credits for that lol, it just makes me mad when I see stupid habbotards stealing credits
  14. Zaka

    TubboCMS (Looks Neat :) )

    Well I think you are aware of how much habbotards are seeking for credits to steal in order to get famous among them.
  15. Zaka

    TubboCMS (Looks Neat :) )

    hahaha seriously? 10% credz to you for simply uploading files and post it? Thats not even 1% in my opinion.
  16. Zaka

    Simple website cart PHP

    Not really
  17. Zaka

    [Request][Client Error]Look at photo below

    I'm sorry man, tired for today xD
  18. Zaka

    [Request][Client Error]Look at photo below

    hahaha seriously dude how do you manage to get that many errors??
  19. Zaka

    [Request][Client Error]Look at photo below

    What happend?
  20. Zaka

    [Request][Client Error]Look at photo below

    replace your code with this one: <?php define('USERNAME_REQUIRED', TRUE); define('ACCOUNT_REQUIRED', TRUE); include("../global.php"); if(!isset($_SESSION["username"])) header("Location: ../characters.php"); elseif(!isset($_SESSION["account"])) header("Location: ../index.php"); $username =...