Search results

  1. Crup

    GTA V Anyone offering duplications?

    I would also be interested in some duplicates. PSN: PowerGJ
  2. Crup

    thoughts on my logo (first)

    it is awful but this is your first attempt.
  3. Crup

    GTA V Was GTA V a waste of Money?

    GTA V Story Mode is interesting but GTA V online is fucking fun. 'nuff said.
  4. Crup

    GTA V [GTA V] Multiplayer Gamertags

    PSN: PowerGJ
  5. Crup

    (Gaming) Xbox One vs. Playstation 4

    Honestly, I would get the cheaper console but if they were the same price, I'll get Ps4.
  6. Crup

    1 year member award

    What makes 3 so special? maybe it's because devbest is about 3 years old.
  7. Crup

    Rate the signature above you.

  8. Crup

    1 year member award

    I totally agree.
  9. Crup

    Sports Favorite NBA team?

    Best team in NBA is the bobcats.
  10. Crup

    C# Question - Noobie

    //giving a whisper when saying that command #region :test case "test": Session.SendData(RoomChatComposer.Compose(Actor.Id, "YAAAAAAAY test werkt", 0, ChatType.Whisper)); break...
  11. Crup

    BEST PRANK EVVER - Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

    Some Chronicle shit.
  12. Crup

    Bing it on!

  13. Crup

    Street Fight - Guy gets slammed on his back.

    I thought he died for a second.
  14. Crup

    World numba 1 baby!

    Can I have your autograph?
  15. Crup

    YG - My Nigga

    How was I suppose to know you were being sarcastic from reading a text?
  16. Crup

    YG - My Nigga

    Really inspiring? Gang violence, dying for your niggas while your finger is on the trigger? Ain't going to jail unless I am with my niggas? - lyrics from the song.
  17. Crup

    Video Man runs over kids throwing rocks

    The driver didn't even hit him on purpose.
  18. Crup

    Video Poor Meg..

  19. Crup

    If you could make

    I'll open my own sweatshop.
  20. Crup

    Video What Came Before: Steve-O on Why He is Vegetarian

    This video nearly put me to tears.