This looks good for a first release. It would be nice if you could add a system where you can include different themes as everyone might not like the single theme included. I'm glad you took some advice and changed the theme to something more attractive.
I Think that this is interesting, it seems as though the internet is moving on to a new era. There seems to be some positive and negative connotations going with this transition.
Good Job, But School for me isn't doing so well, I'm not really getting the best grades. I am working on it, but missed two big assignments in the beginning of the semester that screwed everything up.
You Have Multiple threads that contain the same information. Very Glad to see someone so active though!
Sloppy code, no CSS page was provided to make it look good, So I fixed it up ;)
<title>Page Encryper by Extacy</title>
<script language="JavaScript"> function doencrypt(theform) { if (theform.code.value == "") { alert; return false; } else {...
Good Idea, I would understand why, to advertise the hotel, but how is it helping if you have your hotel in your signature (Which Most People Do) and you post an advertisement thread.