Search results

  1. Marq

    Introduction Hmm, not much to know about me :)

    Hello, I am Marq. I do retros stuff, youtube stuff, and coding stuff. Just some guy who gots lots of spare time on his hands... That's enough now bye.
  2. Marq

    How did you find Habbo or Retros

    I found habbo like in 2013 when I found out boon, then was interested in more games like Habbo and Habboon, and then later on in the days, I found FindRetros. Haha.
  3. Marq

    Call of Duty Love Ghosts, Anyone getting it?

    Anyone getting call of duty ghosts? Awesome game, give me your ps4 usernames below :)
  4. Marq

    Not connecting to Localhost

    What he said, try that and make sure xampp and stuff is loading. If you have skype in the background close it, was one of the issues for me.
  5. Marq

    [Request] YouTube Intro

    Okay, I can probably do it, Private message me your Logo (If you have one) and some specific things you might want.
  6. Marq

