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  1. Magicalz

    Windows XP - Dell Latitude -Blue Screen on Start-up

    Incorrect. I have 8GB of RAM and randomly crashes now and then with BSoD. -- The BSoD Should show an Error code. Search that code up on google, and should point you into a direction. [Or file, if needs be]. Try and take a picture or so?
  2. Magicalz

    Guy beheads some one in English street

    Or the death sentence will be placed, as they talked about this.
  3. Magicalz

    Guy beheads some one in English street

    However they are still alive, in stable condition and in a hospital with armed guards.
  4. Magicalz

    Does anyone want to help with this minor cms problem?

    Seems about right, they cant find the right table. Plus, for the recent activity bit, youre looking towards the wrong table. Change this to jobs_logs and look in that for the right tables :)
  5. Magicalz

    Recruiting Technician for Habbo Retro.

    Hi, PM Me please. Currently the technitian @ Retro Hotel. Created the whole thing myself and adapting stuff now and then. [R63b]
  6. Magicalz

    Phoenix 3.11 Cracked won't connect.

    I saw it in the rules thread that they do support it. so yah ;p. Dont use cracked? theyve released a version, but that work work thinking about it.. Use another crack, or change the emu completely.
  7. Magicalz


    Bought what? the cable or?.. (If its the cable, got off amazon. search it xD)
  8. Magicalz

    Introduction Hey guys, I'm back!

    xD Ive only just become active, so may see me around now and again :) Hope to see you round anyways!
  9. Magicalz

    My life in 20 years...

    They need to add different stories, so that it is either theft, shooting someone, stabbed, hacking ext ext. Not just the same random crap all the time for each people. The design is out of this world, but all it does is takes peoples friends list and places them randomly into the text xD
  10. Magicalz

    My life in 20 years...

    I was given the Death Sentance, but was appealed due to some DNA thing. However, i spent 20 years in jail waiting from this. I was given a Welcome Home party by some mates, bar that was just events on me in jail and court sessions about the murder of someone. I better buy some chalk to write...
  11. Magicalz

    :bail <user> | V26 RP Command

    So in other words, quite a bit messed up xD. Cheers for the heads up on that anyways :)
  12. Magicalz

    Introduction Hey guys, I'm back!

    Welcome back Legion :)
  13. Magicalz

    [RetroRP] Index [RetroRP]

    I didnt like this much. It seemes like the use of boxes used from pages like me.php and community.php added, and some parts are out of place. Like the second box and the "" box too. Same for the radio box, straight underneath the other box. However, good place for the users count &...
  14. Magicalz


    Im using a single moniter, as for some reason out of everything ive tried i cant extend my 2nd moniter. So, ive bought an HDMI to a VGA cable and im going to plug in my HDMI to my xbox then the VGA to the moniter ;D
  15. Magicalz

    Variable help

    I wouldnt use Phoenix EMU from now, Ive posted in the main thread about these. Plus, i dont think cracked would work as much as it did before anymore.
  16. Magicalz

    :bail <user> | V26 RP Command

    Hey guys. First code I've coded from scratch, however it is not fully completed as it poofs the user twice. (likely as it has the vars and appearance being refreshed) Anyway, one user who is in the jail room can use :bail <user> to bail that user for 750c. You can remove the roomID & change the...
  17. Magicalz

    [Bukkit] How to create a minecraft server on bukkit! [Bukkit]

    Uh, youve forgotten a few things. 1) Make sure your firewall dont block the port you have it set at, otherwise nobody cN connect. 2) if you get a "cannot find 'java'" error, its because you havnt installed the latest Java. Youll need this to boot the server. Otherwise, good tutorial!
  18. Magicalz

    Importing your Domain to your Hotel.

    Very useful tutorial! Will help people using Hamachi ext for their hotels xD. Make a new thread about this in Habbo Help & Support? Screenies, Information ext..
  19. Magicalz

    Active Xbox Players

    Im on CoD Black Ops 2 like everyday. Got CoD 4 -> CoD 8 atm. Play abit of Fifa, GTA and a few indie games too.
  20. Magicalz

    Who wants to go to Mars

    Nah, Useless idea tbh. They want people to see if it works for humans as a daily life thing, yet if it fails, what will happen to them?..