Whoa when you suspend me for banner going straight to voting. My hotels banner DOES NOT go straight to voting yet I have been suspended YET AGAIN. The first time it was proven it didn't and now you have done the same thing again. Do you guys not get on an inprivate browser and check these things...
LOL Please you don't remember anything like that. We have like 6 diff tardis teleports one which is exactly the same as this.. chat shit on a status thread what a big man...
Yeah mate I will thanks for doing that.. he clearly just took this from the other forum and released it here all the clothes releases are always done with the full figuredata and figuremap... I grabbed yours cheers for that mate.
Is anyone else having problems with this today? I had to turn the voting off as 60% of users can't get past it, it's either not loading the vote or telling them they are wrong, I thought it was just a few of them but when I turned the voting off and everyone started coming on they all said they...
LOL you are all so pathetic, he releasaed the cms as it's an old one with a shit load of exploits in it, it doesn't have groups or tags on that one, just a load of ways for bren and his boon dogs to attack ur hotel. Also that isn't my database it's some sqls for the cms honestly you guys are...
dude are you blind
["s","85497671","GrnT1","854785","0","1","1","","Green Dragon Teleport","Created by JayTouch","","-1","-1"],
["s","85497672","PnkT2","854786","0","1","1","","Pink Dragon Teleport","Created by JayTouch","","-1","-1"],