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  1. Heisenberg

    Little help with UBER rank fuserights

    I don't think it's possible because you usually have something like $minrank='6' (example) and that'd make it so rank 6+ could access HK so you'd have to make the 2 DJ ranks lower if you don't want them to have HK however someone on here probably knows a way.
  2. Heisenberg

    (REL) Habstyle CMS (REL)

    Seem's a little plain imo, and personally I don't like the '2 video's of the week' bit but that's removable so invalid point really. 7/10.
  3. Heisenberg

    Hi guys.

    dat signature. Welcome back?!
  4. Heisenberg

    What are you listening to now?

    Just heard this today, haven't stopped listening!
  5. Heisenberg

    thoughts on my logo (first)

    Really blurry, however credit to you since it is your first try and you can only get better!
  6. Heisenberg

    [Spoiler] Family Guy

    this makes it all the worse.
  7. Heisenberg

    [Spoiler] Family Guy

    much sad.
  8. Heisenberg

    What are you listening to now?

  9. Heisenberg

    Room Images/Logos

    You're gonna need to be a lot more specific to get some help from this. Do you mean an advertisement?
  10. Heisenberg

    Service Signature Maker

    These are nice just a tad blurry, but as you said you only started yesterday - you'll improve!
  11. Heisenberg

    Recruiting Looking for partnership

    In order to make this a 'partnership' instead of one person paying all the costs you should split it. I highly doubt you'l find someone willing to pay for everything solo.
  12. Heisenberg

    Wrex v1.2 Development Thread [REV CMS]

    Good luck, V1 was nice.
  13. Heisenberg

    What is the best emulator

    R63: Phoenix (Look for it yourself, little thing called google R63B: A fixed release of Swift would work although it's probably not the best, once again google
  14. Heisenberg

    [Index] New Christmas Index Release

    It's okay; should use things more related to Christmas though (snow particularly)
  15. Heisenberg

    Swift Emulator fixes.

    Run this in your db: (should work?) SET @@global.sql_mode= '';
  16. Heisenberg

    Build me a hotel?

    Paying $50 for a retro setup?! You could easily look at a tutorial and make it yourself for free excluding VPS, domain etc. charges.
  17. Heisenberg

    PC Epic Gaming PC (The Large Pixel Collider)

    more fans than justin bieber.
  18. Heisenberg

    Feedback First animated banner

    Not really an improvement, but more like a whole other banner design; you could have it so like 2 habbo's are talking and each have a few lines explaining things about the hotel i.e. DDoS Protection etc.
  19. Heisenberg

    Why did you upgrade?

    Because cup.