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  1. Spirit100

    [HELP] API RevCMS Not Working [HELP]

    Edit the Api folder and also the config folder.
  2. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS coded?

    Hi Devbest, I need someone to code me a CMS, if someone is willing to make me a CMS i will pay them and also tell them what i would like on it.
  3. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS..

    But i'm sick of seeing RevCMS mostly every hotel uses it, plus i have got a PhoenixRP.SWF
  4. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS..

    I can't find a good theme there mostly old now and you see them on every hotel, i want my own look plus there not much for a RP .
  5. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS..

  6. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS..

    Hi devbest, i need a CMS which will be ok for a RP hotel i will edit some of the pages but just need a good cms or RevCMS theme which goes well for RP hotel. Thanks
  7. Spirit100


    I have one, but it took ages making the rooms and getting everything right.
  8. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS for my hotel.

    Got any screenies?
  9. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS for my hotel.

    Have you got a download link for your ubercms edit?
  10. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS for my hotel.

    Sure i will try it out :D
  11. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS for my hotel.

    What CMS is it, the site ain't working for me to see. Thanks :)
  12. Spirit100

    [HELP] I need a CMS for my hotel.

    Hi, i need a cms to use on my hotel, does anyone have any suggestions on what cms i should use (its not a rp) also put a link and screenshots. :)