Search results

  1. Ecko

    Malicious redirect. What's the domain?
  2. Ecko

    IIS 7 URL Rewrite 2.0 Error - Help
  3. Ecko

    [PHP] Loop until false

    I can see why it took 20 minutes: $randstring = substr(str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'), 0, 10);
  4. Ecko

    [PHP] Loop until false

    Post what code you have...
  5. Ecko

    Emulator not working on CentOS 6 using Wine and Mono [Linux]

    You need C# That's Java, which is much more compatible with Linux than C#.
  6. Ecko

    PHP help

    You can't use array dereferencing in PHP 5.3 It was added in PHP 5.4:
  7. Ecko

    y u on here

    y u on here
  8. Ecko

    Sulake (/Elisa) taking action?

    Go offshore and you don't have these issues.
  9. Ecko

    Online Users Page [RevCMS/UberCMS/IlluminiaCMS]

    Hey look a script that kills MySQL usage. Well done! Also the colors thing is completely a waste being stored in the database.
  10. Ecko

    Need website creator
  11. Ecko

    North Korea vs USA

    Yes, it matters.
  12. Ecko

    [Help] MySQL Database Access Problem

    You can, but just go on Navicat on the VPS and run that query. Yes, IPv4
  13. Ecko

    [Help] MySQL Database Access Problem

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO mysqlusername@’YOURIPADDRESS’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘mysqlpassword’; Replace databasename, mysqlusername, YOURIPADDRESS, and mysqlpassword.
  14. Ecko

    [Request] Looking For A Good Cheap VPS Company/Provider
  15. Ecko

    Cheater Buster - PHP (/HTML/Java)

    I don't know much about Minecraft, but this sounds awfully similar to Punkbuster
  16. Ecko

    Show DevBest Directory Listing

    Looks cool. I had made one a long time ago for RuneScape Classic bots/tools:
  17. Ecko

    What are your interests?

    Web development Java Quake III Arena DeFrag
  18. Ecko

    [HELP] PHP Coding [HELP]
  19. Ecko

    [XAMPP] Not Reading Htaccess on Mac

    Are you sure that's the only .htaccess file in the xampp folders? .htaccess is read by the Apache web server, so the OS would not be the issue here (since i can do the same things on linux/windows)
  20. Ecko

    VPS Error

    Get a proper host that uses a proper connection.