Ribbon Staff Badges
Some staff badges with ribbons on them. Not the hardest to do, just haven't seen anyone do it .. so here we are today. First image includes all of the badges in one, the others are separated. You can also visit the album storing these images by clicking here.
Enjoy and...
Looks okay, good luck with your service. You're prices are too high - why don't you make them for free? I make mine for free, and they are awfully good. Anyway, looks okay.
:rolleyes: No, lol. Just imagine because I already made another banner instead.
Here's what I've gotten to so far.
But that was actually before I learned how to make the words appear like, normal with opacity.
I know how to do it all now but I'll just move on a bit.
I made this yesterday. It's one of my first and I feel it's good for a basic one.
If you've seen this on the advert on other forums, I made it.
LastGenHabbo banner.