Search results

  1. Gerald

    Paying for someone to fix my client

    What is the problem?
  2. Gerald

    Request Banner templates for Roleplays(RP)

    The title says it all really, I'm looking to do some graphics, for roleplay, I'm looking for Banner templates for RP'S such as Gang related, guns and etc.
  3. Gerald

    What's better PC or a gaming console?

    What is better a gaming PC or a gaming console? Which one do you find the best? Personally I find a gaming PC the best, because it is supreme graphics, and runs like a boss! Post your views below!
  4. Gerald

    Request Fansite Help!

    Hey, I'm looking for some GFX work done for my fansite, it's currently not up yet, It's going to be called FabboHut, I would need some banners done for it please. If you want to go into more detail add my skype: Rickisanigguh
  5. Gerald

    [Release] Easter Maintenance Page [Release]

    Sorry but, you have to be able to take negative feedback, that's how you improve.
  6. Gerald

    Recruiting Fansite Coder

    Hi der, i'm looking for a fansite coder, there MAY be money involved, I'm not making any promises, if you're interested add my skype rickisanigguh
  7. Gerald

    Recruiting Fansite coder

    Hello Devbest, So recently I've become interested in making a fansite for a retro. I am looking for a decent coder who is willing to help me with my project. IF you're intrested, add my skype Rickisanigguh Thank you.
  8. Gerald

    Astro/Reality help with room alert command

    Try the chatcommands.cs
  9. Gerald

    VIP Giveaway! [Finished]

    I want to get VIP from devbest.
  10. Gerald

    VIP Giveaway! [Finished]

    I think I should have VIP because I want to dedicate my time into Devbest and Be great with everyone. I want to show my consideration and appreciation for you if you do that. Much love It's Rick!
  11. Gerald

    Looking for coder!

    Hi, there It's Rick! I am looking for a coder, who can do HTML,php and a bit of javascript if you're interested add my skype : Rickisanigguh P.S also looking for Graphic designer.
  12. Gerald

    Recruiting Fansite coder-

    Hi, I'm looking to hire someone to code a fansite layout, If you are intrested, add my skype =Rickisanigguh
  13. Gerald

    FabboRP.CO.UK CMS Release

    quite sad, tbh. get your own work!
  14. Gerald

    What "games" do you enjoy in Minecraft?

    spleef, hide n seek, cops n robbers, paintball warfare, cowboys and indians
  15. Gerald

    Cutting yourself...good or bad oo

  16. Gerald

    How does this look (PS)

    Colour, can be added more. Personally the log in can be improved.
  17. Gerald

    How does this look (PS)

    Personally don't like it, 5/10
  18. Gerald

    [REL] RevCMS RP edition [v26] Emulator

    could I have some help please?
  19. Gerald

    Room Model Maker

    prntscrs please.
  20. Gerald

    [Help] How can I Improve? [Help]

    Thanks, for feedback. :)