If it's there for code readability and when it's an open-source project, then why in the hell do you follow PHP coding styles and not the default set by Node themselves?
Brackets on same line, export default, no semicolons and so on, as I've said for weeks.
There's no reason at all to call new Class.default for this, when there's a simple plugin adding the old exports['default'] = ... back to babel, and when the only thing you're really requiring is your "routes", then I don't really see the reason in using es6.
Please dont...
class Application
module.exports = Application
needs to be
export default class Application {
You're not coding PHP anymore m8.
Over all looks really good, but wouldn't call this ES6 in any way..
Btw you really need to read this documentation...
For a better research purpose, use something that was actually created for that.
If you search for anything related to coding, webservers or so on, the accepted Stackoverflow answer will pop up right underneath the search box.
And they don't track you like Google does...
Religion is only good for one sole purpose: structure of life
Other than that, religious people are just naive.
The only close thing to something related to that or of any kind is spirituality.
Wouldn't surprise me if some douchebag named Jesus was some schizophrenia kid who heard voices and...