Get a life you 8 year old prick, you're not wanted... You hear me? NOT WANTED! Unless you have some good advice, I'd like to see you make a successful hotel without posting a help thread. That's right you can't, so think twice before posting unwanted shit you prick.
Stfu and leave this community faggot, you're not wanted... You don't have anything nice to say to people in the HELP threads, all you do is terrorize them, gtfo faggot.
This is simple! Go into your index.php file and find the <a href=" whatever" for the register, it will probs say /register, change it to /register.php and save :) If that's confusing, add me on Skype: tyler_prestonn and I'll do it! :)
DO NOT USE PHOENIXPHP, DO NOT! If you use PhoenixPHP, prepare to get hacked tons! It's so easy to SQL Inject, get into your housekeeping and rank yourself, and that's it, hacked. People can even use Havij to SQL Inject a PhoenixPHP, RevCms or HabboPHP are the best ones, or UberCms which is a...
You'll find them in your skin folder then, go into your skin folder and there should be a load of php files there, like me, index, community etc, open them up and find the words you want to edit :)
Go into your skin folder, then into images and you'll find all the images in there you can open them up in or Photoshop or whatever and edit them, like the colours etc :)