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  1. A

    Feedback My first banner and logo

    This banner is awesome for your first time! A big 10/10! However as other people have said, in their with other banners I'd rate it around 8/10, the main reason because your volter goldfish font is too big, make it either size 7 or size 9, whichever looks right as it's different for some people :)
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    Request Banner Request

    If you can upload your logo to or I can start making your banner
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    Feedback Banners

    These banners are so old and outdated now haha
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    Furni not showing up

    [["s","44093700","army_c15_bed","44093700","0","1","1","","Camp Cot","Recline in thin fabric luxury","-1"], ["s","44093701","army_c15_bookshelf","44093701","0","1","1","","Metal Shelf","Books to pass the time.","-1"], ["s","44093702","army_c15_cabinet","44093702","0","1","1","","Filing...
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    Furni not showing up

    All my other furni that was already in the cata works fine, it's just what I tried adding @JayCustom
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    Furni not showing up

    It won't let me due to it being too large a text or capacity or w.e @JayCustom
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    Furni not showing up - Furnidata.php - Furnidata.txt @JayCustom It's the army stuff I'm trying to add
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    Furni not showing up

    I'm not sure if I added it into furnidata wrong then? @JayCustom
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    Feedback Animated Banner For "Habboon"

    Only thing that bugs me, on some of the templates, half the border is missing around the edge...
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    Furni not showing up

    Yes I have cleared my cache. @Rapture I'm using the this CMS: (The SWF Pack was included in the .rar file) Also I'm trying to add the Army Furniture
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    Furni not showing up

    Hey so I'm quite new to adding furni to a cata, I've added the swfs to the hof_furni folder I've ran the SQL for furniture table and cata_items etc I've added into furnidata (.php AND .txt as I have both) But it's showing up as white? Can someone help?
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    Feedback First gif banner.

    Pretty decent for a first GIF banner, nice job!
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    Retros wanting a 24/7 radio station!

    Hey so I own a professional internet radio station, 24/7. We have presenters for entertainment but all presenters are 14+ so no squeaky people - We do NOT advertise any retros - We're playing music 24/7 - No squeaky presenters - We will give you the code for the radio player Anyone want this...
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    Looking for retros that want my radio station!

    @Owen - All Presenters are aged over 13 - There's no squeaky people. - All my presenters have clear microphones - Yes, it's SHOUTcast - It'll be a Wavestreaming player temporarily until I code a custom player. - It has a couple of promos of shows and one or two government ads every 20-30...
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    Looking for retros that want my radio station!

    Hey, I was wondering if there's any retros out there that would want my radio station on their home page? This is 24/7 radio station and also has live presenters on quite a lot of the time!
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    Adding a Force Vote API to the me page/index > Me

    Yeah I did, I changed it to "http://{myurl}/me?novote"
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    Adding a Force Vote API to the me page/index > Me

    I just tried that but now, after I've voted, it comes up this:
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    Help with Voting API

    If I use all them files, where do I put/locate them in wwwroot? Do I put it in my tpl/skins/Habbo foler?
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    Help with Voting API

    Hey, So basically, I want to set up a Voting API for my retro, but basically they can skip past it, we tried putting it on the client so when they click Enter Hotel or w.e, they have to vote before they can get on, but it kept saying "This webpage has a re-direct loop" to the people who have...
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    Adding a Force Vote API to the me page/index > Me

    So basically, I want the force vote thing so like, before they get on the Me page "/me" they have to vote, for instance when they log in or register or just go on the URL after 24 hours or whenever they have to vote. I tried adding it to the client the other night so they had to force vote...