Hey DevBest,
I've been playing SA-MP for a while just hosting a server with my cousin + bros and it's getting quite boring just the 4-5 of us so we decieded to go live.
It's a server which basically lets you do what you want Have fun really
This isn't really a big description or stuff but just...
1. Open class.users (in the app folder)
2. search for: if($engine->num_rows("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ip_reg = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "'") == 1)
3. change to: if($engine->num_rows("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ip_reg = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "'") == HOW MANY ACCS PER IP)
4. Save it...
It's funny how everything gets deleted
VisualASE for example... Lol
You projects looked great but you keep ditching them, in future stick to one project
Replace them with : (<--- This Doesn't Need .swf GET WRID OF THIS UP FROM THE BRACKETS)...