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  1. Proximity

    How do I display a table

    How can I grab the contents of a database table and display it on the page? Like SELECT look FROM users WHERE username = '" . filter( $_GET['username'] ) . "'" ) or die( mysql_error() and than display the look
  2. Proximity

    Syntax error..

    Didn't see that thanks Alex(@Quackster ) How can I have two fields in this $p->add_field('item_number', filter($_POST['amount'])); Amount=item name I want it item name-username
  3. Proximity

    Syntax error..

    <?php function filter($var) { return stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($var)); } require_once('paypal.class.php'); $p = new paypal_class; $p->paypal_url = ''; $this_script = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']...
  4. Proximity

    Syntax error..

    Hello I am trying to setup a paypal script but I am getting a syntax error: [26-Nov-2015 00:27:16 Europe/Belgrade] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$p' (T_VARIABLE) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ipn\paypal.php on line 75 THis is line 75 $p->submit_paypal_post();
  5. Proximity

    Upgrade to mysqli from mysql

    Help me upgrade than!
  6. Proximity

    Upgrade to mysqli from mysql

    <?php namespace XFA; if(!defined('IN_INDEX')) { die('Sorry, you cannot access this file.'); } class engine { private $initiated; private $connected; private $mysql; private $connection; final public function Initiate() { global...
  7. Proximity

    Avatar caching error

    It doesn't need to be cached just to display the avatar...
  8. Proximity

    Question: Whats a good version for a CMS on xampp?

    Some hotels actually use NGINX so you are wrong @BobbaHotel the hotels that know what they are doing use NGINX.
  9. Proximity

    Avatar caching error

    So I am trying to avatar cache for my radio it will grab the user name from the db and their look and show it So I am using this script it puts the avatar into the directory but it doesn't show the avatar <?phperror_reporting(-1); ?> <?php // Report all PHP errors // Copyright...
  10. Proximity

    Avatar caching error

    Yes Bump
  11. Proximity

    Recruiting Looking for a Hotel Owner

    You ddosed BO2 because he didn't help you.
  12. Proximity

    Avatar caching error

    So I am using this script it puts the avatar into the directory but it doesn't show the avatar <?phperror_reporting(-1); ?> <?php // Report all PHP errors // Copyright Clawed. // Got bored to be honest. function filter( $string ) { return mysql_real_escape_string(...
  13. Proximity

    Post your BEST Shoutbox moments.

    #Neglected #Loner #No #1likes #me
  14. Proximity

    Avatar caching error

    I do not know but when I tried claweds version here: Its blank and I get nothing AND YES I DID PUT MYSQL DETAILS IN! <?php // Copyright Clawed. // Got bored to be honest. function filter( $string ) { return mysql_real_escape_string( $string ); } define(...
  15. Proximity

    Avatar caching error

    Still doing the same thing
  16. Proximity

    Avatar caching error

    So I am trying to avatar cache for my radio it will grab the user name from the db and their look and show it...
  17. Proximity

    GTA V How Would my Computer Preform? use this it will help I mean this
  18. Proximity

    Applicant Habbo Developer

    Skype man
  19. Proximity

    My speakers are cutting out at high volumes

    I am using a digital optical cable so that is giving the sound ?? EDIT: that sounded stupid but I don't think it is getting enough power??? I guess....,