I have a login 'table' which has;
Then the seperate table which has;
NHS Number
Patient Name
Reference Number
Requested By
Additional Information
No, because I want it as a PHP interface for booking jobs.
And I don't know the code for when you put something in a 'form box' that it submits it into the MYSQL DB.
Rightio, so I'm undergoing a process which I need to design a website for my dads company in which it allows me to store data on a mysql network, I want this as a website where you enter details.. So like
Client name:
Going to
Booked by:
etc.. but I wan't to know the snippet for...
The only advice I can give really is to remember the good times more than ever, and don't take her death in a bad way. How can you take it in a good way may you ask? Well the people who've died in my life, I now use them for inspiration and determination.
R.I.P your friend, and I...
Hello, this is my first ad so excuse if its crap
Deluxe Roleplay
Forums: deluxeroleplay.freeforums.org
Deluxe RP is a newly opened SAMP Server owned by Dennis and myself. We aim to achieve a great community in which people can have a laugh but have a good RP at the...
First; http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Rare Values Management System&l=1
I found;
1) http://www.habbox.com/#!/PowerPanel - Has Rare Values included
2) http://forum.fagzone.com/f353/php-habbo-value-adding-remove-814591/
3) http://www.habboxforum.com/archive/index.php/t-421894.html
2nd one is best me...
You seem to of failed to listen to Deion's instructions;
Simply rename 'forums link here' with the link to the forums, if its hosted lcoally, simply put /forums or whatever, if not you MUST put the link, STARTING with http://www.???.xyz
<div class="navButton" ref="Forums"...