@iProdigy, i fit perfectly for the role :) I've developed over 5 RP Retros on localhost from v26 till the current version of habbo which i can do that as well! :) Just give me a shout on pm on here and i'll give you my skype :)
@FL4 I Need help, my :arrest command and :heal command doesn't even work :l Please give me a new EMU and Database.. and not iThrust EMU Coz it's shet :L
Everyone if you don't have a vps and you want a Localhost RP R63B Retro Follow the steps below:
-Download the CMS + SWF FILES + DB SQL + EMU and ignore all the other downloads they're for vps systems.
-Extract the cms in ur htdocs and edit everything in the app/management/config
-Paste the swf...
Um Hey Dude, the error you got apparently you extracted the CMS in the htdocs and kept it as a folder , i'm pretty sure in ur htdocs there's a folder called RevCMS, what you should do is enter that folder Select all and paste them in the htdocs, not keep them in the folder, if that...
oh then do the following :
Delete the db you're using .
remake a new db and import etc..
Working Client .....
If you're still stuck tell me the error you're facing and i'll see what i can do , and um if the importing takes time , give it time ._.
I hope to have informed you sufficiently!