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  1. Pinkman

    How to get a proxy for $0.01

    I have coded something like this (
  2. Pinkman

    Unable to connect to client

    Show us your external variables, client.php please.
  3. Pinkman

    [R63] Can't enter client

    Host a joinme
  4. Pinkman

    PlusEMU Inventory Disconnection

    You have to modify the swfs.
  5. Pinkman

    Host a

    Host a
  6. Pinkman

    [R63] Can't enter client

    Give me a private message, if its on a server im more than happy to help you out buddy.
  7. Pinkman

    PlusEMU Diamond Timer

    Through the database I believe or you know when you ran the code SCHEDULE EVERY 15 MINUTE Change that into 60min = 1hour
  8. Pinkman

    MOD Tools not working for mods.

    Then add in ID 32?
  9. Pinkman

    [Official BrainCMS] 1.4.0

    I am setting this up, so if you bare with me. is live at the moment check that out.
  10. Pinkman

    MOD Tools not working for mods.

    It's in your permissions table.
  11. Pinkman

    [Request] Comet Server | Commands | Catalogue | Other features

    For a starter you could try learn Java. Camera is not finished, jonteh coded it I believe with Epics Version. 3 you can just look at a normal plus emulator and change some bits because their syntax is similar.
  12. Pinkman

    [R63B] [RP] FluxRP Emulator/CMS

    Its in emulator. (HabboHotel -> Misc -> ChatCommandHandler.cs)
  13. Pinkman

    [HELP] Group badges and pets don't load. [HELP]

    It's to do with links. I'll be more than happy to help dev your retro. Send me your kik and I'll add you and talk in more detail?
  14. Pinkman

    PHP News Help

    If your looking for help still PM me with a joinme or teamviewer link.
  15. Pinkman

    [Help] R63B White Client

    White screen is usually to do with swfs. Ermm ***** does work if you know your way round. HOWEVER try it without the www's infront of the URL maybe that will help?
  16. Pinkman

    Folder Permissions

    Here mate try this I had similar issues and used the link above to help and worked. Tell me once you got it correct or still need help.
  17. Pinkman

    What to look for in a VPS?

    Kid don't say Linux ain't working for a retro. It may be just YOU don't know how to use it. Dont be saying stuff without knowing the facts. Jay, try running your RP on a Linux server. (More secure and faster).
  18. Pinkman

    Plusemu loads until 100% then redirects me to /me

    Obviously you haven't set up correctly. Show us your config (cms) ,client , config (emu) and external vars.