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  1. Legion

    How do I translate the WHOLE client? (incl. commands, etc)

    Check External Variables/External_Flash_texts for Client. Commands are usually Database side/Emulator.
  2. Legion

    [Development] Dog Multiplayer Online Game

    The window looks a little bright, what about changing the color to a darker blue. Other than that, loving this development.
  3. Legion


    I'm just thinking this post means nothing now, seeing as you are saying you ripped stuff from Phoenix, no *good* developer would want a part in this. Go on RZ and ask.
  4. Legion

    [Pics] Humor Pictures

    They aren't the best, but they are are humorish.
  5. Legion

    YouTube HTML5 Video Player

    Well then, looks like iframe is the only way to get youtube videos with HTML5
  6. Legion

    YouTube HTML5 Video Player

    <object width="640" height="390"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param> <embed src=""...
  7. Legion

    Nice avatar. Almost had that same one.

    Nice avatar. Almost had that same one.
  8. Legion

    [Pics] Humor Pictures

    Hey, Just browsing facebook and found some funny pictures. Feel free to post any of your own or comment the ones you like! #1 #2 #3 #4
  9. Legion

    Building a PC [HELP]

    I never said he didn't need that. But yes it would be better. All I was pointing out was that minecraft took a lot of RAM. OFT: 1,000 posts! Woo
  10. Legion

    Building a PC [HELP]

    You need good RAM for Minecraft. That is why I recommended at least 6GB so he doesn't lag.
  11. Legion

    I have the whole day free

  12. Legion

    Building a PC [HELP]

    A Gaming PC without lag for Minecraft? MC usually needs a lot of RAM, so go at least 6GB or higher for that. (With Optifine should give almost 0 lag). That is what my PC is and it works great for Minecraft. That was the reason I got mine too. ^^
  13. Legion


    How would someone make/edit commands without access to the VPS? That seems totally unfair and quite stupid.
  14. Legion

    Building a PC [HELP]

    Vinnie Try HP if you are going for a gaming but still customizable and mostly premade for you. That is what I did and here are my specs Cost me, $530 without tax. Also came with a lot of accessories I bought.
  15. Legion

    Building a PC [HELP]

    Well, you can get the parts and make one from sites like NewEgg, or you can go to places like Dell, Toshiba, ect to get premade computers and customize certain things.. Another option would be to go places like Bestbuy (In store) and buy one custom that way. Hope I helped.
  16. Legion

    Harlem Shake Script

    Haha. Pretty cool. Nice little JS there.
  17. Legion

    Is this gaming pc worth it?

    4GB Ram and only 2.2 GHz Processor. No.. Just no.
  18. Legion

    Habbo Retro Cup

    I have faith in it. If everyone actually tries, this could be great. Just throwing other ideas out there.
  19. Legion

    Habbo Retro Cup

    Well, If that doesn't turn out to be well, we can always arrange a Minecraft PvP Tournament.
  20. Legion

    Habbo Retro Cup

    What about a friendly Minecraft PVP Tourny?