LOOK. Don't you understand that you don't have the knowledge to make a Habbo retro? Can you even code a little HTML. You don't even know what a VPS is, or Phoenix, you need to go away and learn.c
I have had a VPS from Datasphere and Cobrahost and I didn't like either of them. I'm looking for a quality VPS or Dedicated server, preferably a VPS because my hotel doesn't have too many users yet.
If you're using Cloudflare, add this to the top of your config file:
Under the <?PHP part(:
Make of the laptop: HP
How much you bought it for: £600
Do you use windows on it or have mac osx on it (or both)?: Windows 7 Ultimate
Picture if possible: Don't have one, sorry
I'm getting a Macbook Pro 17" next which is £2100