It gets really annoying when noobs on my hotel don't know how to clear their cache, therefore cannot see updated badges or furniture, I know hotels such as HabPlus and ZAP are able to do this but how?
Is it something to do with PHP headers? Please give me the code to do this.
I have my query which selects staff which have a rank over 3:
SELECT id,name FROM ranks WHERE id >= 4 ORDER BY id DESC
but aswell as displaying ranks over 3, I dont want rank 8 to show, how would I do this?
If I edit the furniture to is stackable to 1, edit the other values etc. Say if I drop a executive bar, try to drop the roller on it, the roller goes into the bar, on the floor
I have a licensed Phoenix Emulator 3.7.2, and I want to make rollers stackable, like Zap hotel, how do I go about doing this? Once you do the 'is stackable' in the furniture table, they just stack into each other
Hey Ho sexy people (Inc. Rasta ofc),
I am attempting to make a few extra ranks for my retro. I put settings in both ranks and permissions_ranks but then the emulator throws an exception, -cryz.
How to actually make a custom rank plspls?
True, but since they're so many Habbo retros, it's hardly appropriate to take them all to court, and anyway, even though retros do exist, Sulake still make millions of dollars anyway
Yes, Habbo do have copyright, Habbo can't take down big retros because they are offshore hosting, and it would cost Sulake loads of money to take them to court
Recently, i've seen people are starting to get the in-client catalogue to work with the horse, mine currently shows a monkey, I know Craigs hotel shows the horse, but whats the SQL for it?:S