You need to have
- Have Skype
- What can you do for the hotel?
- Knowledge
- Previous Hotel Experience
- Be over 13 years old.
- Know how to use the "Mod Tool"
- Not a whining bitch if you get fired or dismissed.
Reply down here
There are plenty of catalogs out there, try using Ryan Downfalls, It's outdated but nice...
Anyway, I can design customs and do the SQL's PM me your Skype username if you would like me to make you some customs.
When i only put the proxy ip it takes me back to whoever I bought the Proxy off.
and the error is
"You entered 'Proxy Address Was here' which is not a valid IP address."
I have 2 proxys, one for my emulator, one for my site, I managed to set the Emulator proxy up fine, I am connecting my Site proxy, if I do the Proxys IP And port, It redirects me to my site, so the proxy works fine, now, I try and make my cloudflare point to my site proxy and because it contains...
I've installed Heliconape, that has not improved a thing.
It did originally come with a housekeeping but it was really buggy so I tried to move it to PluzAse.
Now, none of the housekeeping loads, it sends me to /ase/login which then dosen't get recognised.
I have teamviewer and Skype.
Hey, Just wondering if someone wanted to help me make a hotel, I'm busy so I don't have time.
Anyway, I'll fund the VPS, Proxies, WhoIS Protection.
You must be
- Atleast 15 years of age
- Past experience
- Knows how to deal with problems
- Knows about MySQL
- Can fix Exploits.