Honestly bro i don't remember how to use the regular mysql xD that's why i did this in pdo.
Haven't touched php in a long while, i've been on the python grind. So clean, so simple.
But when I did use php, i always used PDO. gotta have those prepared statements and object oriented binds
The pdo connection? It's basically just to simulate what he wants to do in this instance, I wouldn't recommend using pdo & mysql together(obviously lol)
Yeah i got confused when i started writing the second query because i have no idea how the db is structured, however if op plans on doing the query in pdo i suppose you could use mine as a base.
And oh i know, very messy and inefficient. But fix it up boios.
oh and i just forgot to execute...
Did a sketch pdo because idek how to use regular mysql anymore
class PdoConnection {
public static function dbConnect() {
try {
$dbh = ''
$dbu = ''
$dbp = ''
$dbd = ''
$conn = new...
If this theme had a dark mode i'd be set, i run dark errythang so this whiteness is foreign to me.
If you're going to leave over a theme, that is obviously being re-thought of otherwise this post wouldn't exist, then you're an imbecile and you probably should leave.
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