Hello, I will be happy to have a go being Chill Tech! I have experience (owned a old School) I can work as part of a team and solve issues promptly and effectively, please PM me if you require more information, thanks!
You could make a parkour action game, where you have to do a lot of parkour (like climbing etc) but have a objective to kill or find someone? that would be nice!
Places Visited
-Spain (Mainland)
-Isle Of Man
If you're wondering why so many places, my dad does a lot of business to say the least.
Hello, I need help setting-up No-IP, I believe my ports are correctly forwarded Its just other people cant see my No-IP site?
My Inbound Services: http://prntscr.com/4i8f6b (The IP is my IPv4 Address)
My Portforward configuration: http://prntscr.com/4i8ioh
All the ports (80, 3306, 30000 &...
Hello there, I wanted to request a logo, I would like one like (see below)
Logo Text: ATR
Under text: ATR / Gaming / Design / Tutorials
Color: Purple + Black
Hey Magic, I saw your portfolio, I have to say, it looks impressive, would you mind making me a banner? Saying JamesRTID
Twitter: ATR_OG, If you are wondering, my PC had a fault and lost everything like Ps 6 :(