Could also be the catalogue, I have found many people have not enabled the pets page. Do this: (WONT WORK WITH D0wnF4ll 10)
Just go to catalog_pages (database) and make sure for pets the column `enabled` is 1
Don't change your SWF's. @Brackston is right about the deep water patch. Just find it in the table `furniture` on the database and make sure effectM (male) and effectF (female) are 28. For the pets, are you using D0wnf4ll? Otherwise, just make sure you go to catalog_pages and make sure for pets...
EVEN PAINT? LOL, I will do that in Thanks Jay.
Off Topic: I have only just seen your application for being a technician, i would have hired you!
Hey @esha1991 A translated version of Jays anger :P
This furniture will go into any hotel because it is just some SWF's however the SQL's depend on your emulator. If you're using Phoenix, these should be ok but otherwise, you will need to create your own (plenty of tools to help you).
Yep. I have now translated so if you wish update the link to this:
Also @DistrictHosts add the translated version if you haven't translated yours.
@Kaneki Just tag me in releases like this from now on and I will happily translate for you. Now working on it and will upload to Mediafire with a new link for you to update the post with them in English!
Great badge, will definitely use on Point. For everybody saying he didn't make it, he explained how he basically resized the picture. Stop giving hate for god's sake! Agree with @JayCustom though, a tad bit too big but is a great release. Could you release some of your other badges aswell @Aruthra