I know its against the rules on mentioning a rival forum but you need to look at Martin's guide on writing a good emulator on rage...
You don't follow any concept of OOP while dealing with C#.
Most new C# Developers don't understand the real focus on good applications, whats first is your...
Hello Developers,
I just want to release the original BASE of reality emulator aka a emulator coded from scratch by roy (meth0d). It has never been finished and it uses a shitty TCP Listener and simple Pathfinder but if anyone wants to improve this emulator then be my guess (it would be really...
Hello Devbesters,
I've been working on an RP edition of Phoenix 3.11.0 and I'e realized that I want this to be an open-source development.
Known Bugs:
Update methods don't really update.
Color codes:
Red - Not Done at All.
Orange - Coded and started on commands but not finished.
Blue - Coded...
A while ago I was planning on doing a simple CMS from scratch... I've stopped the development for a while and now I don't know If I can finish it... Ermm I hope this helps, its easy to use and hopefully people will start using this with there RevCMS.