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  1. St4nley

    What do you think of old generations thoughts of us?

    this question has been on my mind for a while, i go and i hear and see and read everywhere these older generations bad talking our generation, and the youth because of technology, clothes we wear and all that shit. for example i was watching the breakfast club music video and i read these...
  2. St4nley

    [Help] Inserting Commands

    to make life easier on yourself i would say make a new database, upload new sql, and add those sqls i provided, and run a new emulator.
  3. St4nley

    [Help]Swift Emulator Error[Help]

    database error you're gonna need a new database that works with this emulator. i have no idea to find them but ill look around as you shall too.
  4. St4nley

    [Help] Inserting Commands

    run these sqls ALTER TABLE `permissions_users` ADD COLUMN `cmd_roll` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_rave` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_control` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_makesay` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD...
  5. St4nley

    [Help] Inserting Commands

    what emulator do you have?
  6. St4nley

    R63b In Client Picture

    You don't need to delete the db for this, a simple fix up in the decompiler image should do the trick
  7. St4nley

    R63b In Client Picture!/font
  8. St4nley

    :buyx Bug

    this command only works with phoenix if you have ran the needed query. did you do that
  9. St4nley

    R63b In Client Picture

    change it again but dont mess up this time :P
  10. St4nley

    Devbest Competition

    would our chances go up if we owned a facebook page with 15000 followers >:)
  11. St4nley

    [HELP] Disconnected from Client [HELP]

    most likely client.php if your emulator isnt throwing you any errors than thats what its got to be. Please paste your client.php
  12. St4nley


    If i crack GTA IV will i be able to still mod it? or do i need a purchased version.
  13. St4nley

    [HELP] Disconnected from Client [HELP]

    when does this occur when you load up client, in game, after a certain time, friend request? be more specific please
  14. St4nley

    [HELP]BuBBaEmu v26[HELP]

    no problem :)
  15. St4nley

    New Section Moderator - Who do you think?

    Hard to say since they aren't view able and we have no idea who applied.
  16. St4nley

    [Help] VPS questions

    Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition R2 x64 Enterprise best for databases and stuff like that, r2 is needed no question, and 64 bit vs 32 bit is a no brainer. Hope this helped
  17. St4nley

    What do you think of this old devbest look?

    Title says it all
  18. St4nley

    Code to display user's badges?

    $getBadges = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = '" .$member['id'] . "' AND badge_slot >= 1 ORDER BY badge_slot DESC LIMIT 5"); while ($b = mysql_fetch_assoc($getBadges))...
  19. St4nley

    REVCMS Community Page ERROR

    errrr, the only stylesheet linked is common.css which i think isnt correct for community its hard for me to tell you what to add in community since i cant see it, but what i reccommend doing is going to the style page in the skin, and looking for something fimilar that could match to a community...
  20. St4nley

    REVCMS Community Page ERROR

    style sheets issue paste, your community.php and paste another thing like me.php(assuming the me page doesnt have this issue)