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  1. Sledmur

    RevCMS - Black Box?

    It's loading client's css. Remove that, or disinclude it.
  2. Sledmur

    [R63] External Variables [R63

  3. Sledmur

    Hiring Minecraft Builders

    Why should we build for you?
  4. Sledmur

    Declaration of Independence [FIXED]

    I say we pull another Holocaust but for the HabboTards.
  5. Sledmur

    RevCMS account creator

  6. Sledmur

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    If you could build python and shit into it, i'd love you forever
  7. Sledmur

    Voting Looping On ColdFusion

    What? It doesn't need anything special for coldfusion....
  8. Sledmur

    header & $var

    unset($result); if($action == 'logout'){ setcookie('md5_password', ''); setcookie('username', ''); setcookie('login_referer', ''); if($config_use_sessions){ @session_destroy(); @session_unset(); setcookie(session_name(), ''); $result = $say['wessel_loguit']; header("Location: $PHP_SELF") } }
  9. Sledmur

    header & $var

    Put what ever you want in a if then if(whatev) { header(shithere) }
  10. Sledmur

    header & $var

    Delay the script while the query runs?
  11. Sledmur

    header & $var

    Try a sleep(1)
  12. Sledmur

    header & $var

    Yeah, put it before the header?
  13. Sledmur

    header & $var

    Why in the holy fuck are you storing passwords as a cookie? facepalm.jpgAnd once it hits the header location. Its moving to a new page. It's not going to execute anything after that as your no longer on that page.
  14. Sledmur

    RevCMS account creator

    Thanks xD
  15. Sledmur

    Just a quick question regarding minecraft yt videos

    Surviving, otherwise its boring
  16. Sledmur

    Http://localhost Problem! Need Help

    UberCMS is amazing if you have a brain larger then a walnut.
  17. Sledmur

    Http://localhost Problem! Need Help

    y u so trolly? Thumbs.db is like the .ds_store on mac, you cant get rid of it. Its a bunch of pointless files by the OS
  18. Sledmur

    RevCMS account creator

    Floods the shit outta someones database.
  19. Sledmur

    Client problem.

    Watch the network, and see what program causes it? If its phoenix, i'm not sure. What revision are you using?
  20. Sledmur

    Client problem.

    Looks like it spikes then dies lol. Try finding whats causing the huge spike.