Search results

  1. Kayte

    Bring the user bars back?

    I preferred it before when we had user bars. So, underneath our names there'd be things like Pink Subscriber Posting Freak Moderator Administrator And so on.. The reason I'd like this is because All of our achievements etc would be under our name, instead of people having to scan around to...
  2. Kayte

    [v26]Working v26 Dcrs[Pre-Hosted]

    Possibly because it's like 1 yr old..?
  3. Kayte

    Noob Queston, Help me with this please :P

    So make sure the SWFS are set up right..
  4. Kayte

    Son of a bitch!

    Son of a bitch!
  5. Kayte

    [COMPETITION] Guess what song this is.

    Hell no. I can't play that yet. :P
  6. Kayte

    [COMPETITION] Guess what song this is.

    I basically played a song on my keyboard, listen to it and see whether you know what song it is. NOTE;Sorry for the 'bad quality', I'm not showing myself+It was filmed on a 3ds ;3! Comment below what you think the song is, the first to get it right wins. ;3 Goodluckk
  7. Kayte

    Few errors...

    offtopic; Oh BTW, this is in the wrong section ontopic; You need to change the web-build once you've uploaded that stuff again. - 63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/953
  8. Kayte

    Image Why would someone use an umbrella?

    kazizzle, final answer.
  9. Kayte

    Few errors...

    DOWNLOAD THIS - and replace your old files with the ones on there. :P
  10. Kayte

    Anyone reads books?

    Wow, you've read more than my nan has. O_o
  11. Kayte

    Anyone reads books?

    Yes, I read books. Mainly to pass time or when I'm in the mood for one.. The best one I've ever read is Diary of a Wimpy Kid ;; Dog Days. The best book is a diary, of 'unfortunate events' IMO.
  12. Kayte

    How do you add moving words on me page for revCMS?

    Try looking up other threads, it's not hard...
  13. Kayte

    Whats Your Phone?

    I have a brick phone, u Jelly? ;)
  14. Kayte


  15. Kayte

    Sup Nigga

    Sup Nigga
  16. Kayte

    Last Post = Winner!

    Bonjour. So this is my new competition... The last person to comment to this thread will be the winner. So basically, People Do random posts like; 'Blahfjewk' 'derp' And When the 1 hour is over, the last post will win! Good luck, If you're confused about this, PM me.
  17. Kayte

    Close your own thread.

    I'm not sure whether you can atm. But, if not. You should be able to close your own thread, for example; if you need help with something and your issue them becomes resolved, we could be given the choice to lock our own thread, not only would this help the forum mods but it would stop spam...
  18. Kayte

    Introduction Yo...

    Nice copying skills you have thar.
  19. Kayte

    Introduction Yo...

    Hey James, Welcome to DevBest! I'm Katie, And I'm the most awesomest person on DevBest! (BE PREPARED FOR THE HATE COMMENTS)
  20. Kayte

    [help}Rev cms avatar

    Nice triple posting skills you have there OnTopic - give us pictures, don't expect us to register on your hotel