Search results

  1. Zephyrus

    Your thoughts on my revCMS skin? [ORIGINAL]

    I could probably do better* lol
  2. Zephyrus

    [PF] Port 80 works, 3306 etc is null. HELP? [PF]

    So I have been trying to pf, I managed to get the port 80 working and I "think" the other ports are working, but they wont do anything, I try to connect to the hotel but nothing happens.
  3. Zephyrus

    Your thoughts on my revCMS skin? [ORIGINAL]

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I
  4. Zephyrus

    Recruiting Need "professional" coder!

    What is this "fansite" for?
  5. Zephyrus


  6. Zephyrus

    [EvilCMS Edit] OLDCMS 1.2 ;o [FLATFILE ] [OLDSCHOOL] ;O

    Thanks, this theme will be updated soon, I will be creating other themes for this cms soon :)
  7. Zephyrus

    [EvilCMS Edit] OLDCMS 1.2 ;o [FLATFILE ] [OLDSCHOOL] ;O

    What is OldCMS? OldCMS is an edit of EvilCMS, with added features and new pages! I have edited some code, added the latest habbo website interface and will be implementing more into the theme in the future, I will also be adding new themes for you guys to download in the near future too, like...
  8. Zephyrus

    [Image] RevCMS Index Edit [Image]

    Not bad at all, really like it :) Might use it in the next version of OldCMS (Oldschool cms, originally EvilCMS!)
  9. Zephyrus

    Working on an CMS edit of EvilCMS, Evil Ultimate, the oldschool cms... I will be implementing...

    Working on an CMS edit of EvilCMS, Evil Ultimate, the oldschool cms... I will be implementing the latest habbo website interface, and etc
  10. Zephyrus


    Would it run like phoenix did?
  11. Zephyrus

    [R63] [Re-release] Whacky r63 new UI habbo.swf

    I'm pretty sure I have this already, but thanks! It's beautiful :up:
  12. Zephyrus

    Rehab (Rev CMS Edit) (Groups, Tags + more features)

    They did that too me too, just because we advertised on their hotel...fucking fggts! Anyways, its not a bad release.
  13. Zephyrus

    Debbo 7.0 By Farris

    Would help if it was english...
  14. Zephyrus

    Recruiting ThisSpark ~ Spark Hotel Fansite? @HIRING

    ThisSpark is a dedicated fansite targeting all english speaking members of Spark Hotel. ThisSpark is owned and ran by Lewis who is assisted by a hard-working team of management and their individual staff sectors. ThisSpark strives to achieve a high level of user interactivity and participation...
  15. Zephyrus

    [Release]Butterfly r63 Emulator.

    I have another question, is it stable?
  16. Zephyrus

    Remote Server Connection error

    This has happened to me before too, never been able to fix it
  17. Zephyrus

    RevCMS - Bootstrap Index...

    Thanks man :), I might be releasing my own custom revcms
  18. Zephyrus

    RevCMS - Bootstrap Index...
