Lucky you can even get on xbox live, I thought it was down. Not sure whether this is a XBL problem or a problem that you are personally facing as many others across the world can't even get on such as I.
On XBL there's many servers that people host which of course aren't really powered by servers, just people hosting lobbies. I once played in a "factions" server which was hosted 24/7 by some guy, he just left his game system on, posted the thread on MCForums and let users join. That's all there...
Bringing up Sledmore was actually irrelevant to what I was saying, I just used him as a souce because he sometimes going on about habbo. My situation was entirely different though. Someone in the shoutbox had implied Habbo by saying "h4bbo". I had thought the word had been filtered because...
Sorry that you couldn't understand my logic. I doubt anyone would care about being banned for a couple of minutes over a joke; I was only playing around with what is unfair andwhatnot. It wasn't said as you took it, so don't twist your panties.
Both looks real unprofessional and it looks like you were aiming for something of high quality.
Overall I'd have to say that it's missing a lot of stuff that could dramaticly affect how it would look. The logo throughs off the entire top on both layouts. The containers look hideous in my...