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  1. Shxrty

    Ddos attack

    Just solve it here to help other people who get this issue. on another note, Have you tried @NOC 's Method? another way to prevent a Layer 7 DDOS attack is to buy a HTTP Reverse Proxy (Using cloudflare) and have them ramp it up all the way, they range from 5-20$. But they do sure work, i was...
  2. Shxrty

    Error on website

    CosmicCMS, this cms is weird to use. goto IIS and find me where it says sites and such Send me a screenshot like this, then show me a screenshot of your wwwroot folder.
  3. Shxrty

    Recruiting Developer to help me.

    Hello Devbest! I have opened a hotel and have been developing the hotel myself, i am looking for someone who is good at adding furniture, clothing, and much more Things you can do; Add Commands Edit the Client Side GFX Help me with the CMS edits Be active within community as if your an...
  4. Shxrty

    localhost help

    enabling iis, try adding a web.config to your wwwroot or whereever your files would be located.
  5. Shxrty

    [Devbest Exclusive Series] [Ep. 2] How to create a online R36B Habbo Retro using a VPS and IIS

    Should be free yes, but i recommend using a vps and buying a domain haha, VPS are alot easier than using XAMPP, because when your localhost pc is offline, the hotel is offline!
  6. Shxrty

    Feedback It's been a while and I'm rusty

    Loving these badges, welcome back to the community!
  7. Shxrty

    Colored names command

    Paste your entire code
  8. Shxrty

    Illumina CMS set up - SQL

    are you using the emulator from that tutorial?
  9. Shxrty

    Recruiting Developer

    Previous work, languages you code, a line or 2 about yourself.
  10. Shxrty

    Recruiting Developer

    Can i see your work :p most people who ask for money don't put 100% into there work and poorly code it, or scam, or just aren't good at developing. ( keep in note, im not saying you aren't, i wouldn't say im an extremely good developer myself, but i try to do things myself and if i can't get it...
  11. Shxrty

    Help :p ~ need commands coded

    Let me grab Devbest URL :)
  12. Shxrty

    Plus EMU & RevCMS

    i did that and it still didn't work, i looked in the dev console and it cant find the badge location im guessing? but my habbo-imaging folder is in my swf folder and my wwwroot.
  13. Shxrty

    Help :p ~ need commands coded

    Is the EMU on the Micro CMS of Cabbos EDIT, is that EMU Plus Release 1? If so, does anyone care to share these commands for plus r1 and anything else thats needed for the command to work correctly, i have searched and dug all over devbest but cant seem to find a working command. Pay Command...
  14. Shxrty

    Recruiting Developer

    good luck looking :p
  15. Shxrty

    plus emu error upon start

    I ended up sorting it all out, i had to change the column variable to key!
  16. Shxrty

    Plus EMU Error.

    did that fix your issue?
  17. Shxrty

    [Devbest Exclusive Series] [Ep. 2] How to create a online R36B Habbo Retro using a VPS and IIS

    Show screenshot, contact me on discord ill sort ya ??????? ~ かぇんし#0001
  18. Shxrty

    Plus EMU & RevCMS

    Group badges dont work, they are just invisible
  19. Shxrty

    [!!UPDATED][RP]StarzRP CMS

    drama, drama, drama nonetheless, is there a live view of StarzRP
  20. Shxrty

    [!!UPDATED][RP]StarzRP CMS

    was it stolen or ripped pmsl