Ive released 1.1.2, includes
disconnection page (legacy,goldfish)
logout button (legacy)
housekeeping fixes (chatlogs)
photos/profiles (goldfish,legacy)
adds ban page to legacy theme
Includes updater,
housekeeping rights addition
legacy css fixes
legacy navbar fixes
added new routes for the...
If youre talking about the Wullez catalog found on another forum, if you look through the replies , someone released an english version of it, its what most of us morningstar users use.
Banner and loading screen is nice, but the logos dont match :( also on larger screens, that loading screen is gonna look wack unless you use my html loading screen ;)
I am accusing you. Just because you didnt have contact with him anywhere else, doesnt mean shit. theres plenty of ways you could dox someone without contact, so dont even try to pull that card with me, you and i both know it takes time and research, which you have plenty of time to do.
I think my screenshot says enough about you, it shows that you knew something was going to happen to john, and then someone doxxes him in the same discord server? nah sry but we aint stupid.
I have since left Cyclone, if thats what they are about, im not here for it. Nothing but respect for John and EZ-C But, the time has come, enough is enough i am done supporting cyclone,
There was no reason to go out of your way for "suspecting John" as the person who was attacking your home...
Goldfish is a CMS that uses the Laravel framework, bootstrap4, with a ton of customization.
Feature List:
Flash Event support
Loading Screen
News alert
Rcon Support
Alert user
Hotel Alert
Exec commands
Currency(Seasonal, Duckets, Diamonds, Credits)
I found and ripped an html/js trax editor, i need help making it generate the soundtrack string.. habbos sound track strings look like this 1:4,24:2:2,24:3:0,24:4:0,24: A small tutorial on the sound tracks are found on a rival fourm but basically its this
Note this tutorial was to add custom...
What does the error say...
Also there is no post either
you would need to add an if statement like if(isset($_POST['thing'])) {}
then put ur regiuser = stuff in there along with the insert statement..
New theme: Legacy
Now that goldfish is nearing release, i decided to create a fresh new theme along with the original, this new theme is called Legacy, because its made to look like the original habbo website in 2007.
index - credits to not hablush because their index was a rip of IlluminaCMS