Recent content by StreetMoney

  1. StreetMoney

    403/404 Error IIS 7.

    Yes i think its your web.config have you installed url rewrite?
  2. StreetMoney

    403/404 Error IIS 7.

    Do you have a web.config file?
  3. StreetMoney


    Try using CloudFlare
  4. StreetMoney

    [HELP] If I host a retro on my VPS...

    If you dont wanna spend money just use a domain or .tk
  5. StreetMoney

    404 ERROR

  6. StreetMoney

    404 ERROR

    Did you add web.config file?
  7. StreetMoney

    403 IIS Error

    I got that already and it still takes you to a 404 page
  8. StreetMoney

    403 IIS Error

  9. StreetMoney

    403 IIS Error

    I have installed all of them PHP Url Rewrite Shows this Server Error in Application "DEFAULT WEB SITE" Internet Information Services 7.5 Error Summary HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add...
  10. StreetMoney

    403 IIS Error

    I don't think so where do i go to config it?
  11. StreetMoney

    403 IIS Error

    Any Reason why this is showing up? I reinstalled IIS and added my files on wwwroot and it shows this
  12. StreetMoney

    IIS Missing something

    Shows this now The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
  13. StreetMoney

    IIS Missing something

    I have that already
  14. StreetMoney

    IIS Missing something

    Please can anyone help me fix this
  15. StreetMoney

    IIS Missing something

    I did that still nothing working.