Recent content by Shampoo

  1. S

    EpicEmu Database

    Does anyone have the database for EpicEmu? I've been searching for hours on end, I would love if someone had it :(
  2. S

    v26 DCRS?

    Nope, I think I might just move on with thies dcrs, they fail. Can you find me another dcr pack anywher?
  3. S

    [RP][WebHost][RP] I've seen a few retros being hosted on that. EDIT: WAIT, change the HOST to localhost If there phpmyadmin looks like the xampp one, try localhost ONT: Have you tried localhost as the host?
  4. S

    [RP] Help! Error! [RP]

    Most RP's dont come with install, just go to includes/config.php and edit both parts, db & pw -- Once you done that, the template will load but it will look f'd. Go to your db, and then find the "CMS_settings" and edit your site url to localhost or your IP. then it loads correctly, all perfect.
  5. S


    I had this error, but I realized my db had missing attributes that the cms needed? But.. If you got it to work on xampp, and its the same db and CMS, It would be the host.
  6. S

    v26 DCRS?

    My variables -> If I could get my RP to work, and edit all that correctly, I know i did this one correctly but.. here: cast.entry.39=hh_human_50_acc_face client.use.invites=1 external.figurepartlist.txt= cast.entry.33=hh_human_acc_face...
  7. S

    v26 DCRS?

    I set them up correctly, i think it's the vars, how would I get better ones? I tried to use the RP vars, but i still can't connect.
  8. S

    v26 DCRS?

    I just tried them, they don't let me connect.. and yes I did edit the vars. & i know its not my server thing cause, i tried RP dcrs, and they let me connect, just with few missing things.
  9. S

    v26 DCRS?

    I really need some normal hotel v26 dcrs, like a pack, not pre-hosted.. & I know you're going to say, GOOGLE, or SEARCh, trust me I have, and they are all out-dated. -- I just need some working ones, if you have some on you, please give [:
  10. S

    Blah emulator

  11. S

    Blah emulator

    I heard you need to remove some "commands" cause they wont work with your database.
  12. S

    Pheonix Emu error?

    I've edited it all correctly, and also edited the "Hotel" tab in HK, to match most of it, But I'm still getting that same error. Ports: 30000 & 30001 Also tried: 30001 & 30000 swapped around. Also tried: 21 & 20 and swapped around again.
  13. S / Blah Hotel EMU Leak

    I remember this being posted in a R@g3Z0N3 thread by Heliju or w.e a month a go.
  14. S

    Pheonix Emu error?

    Not for me :'( 300000 works? do you mean 30000, :S
  15. S

    Pheonix Emu error?

    But i used all the ones I found, and even the one he posted in the thread. i also tried ports 21 and 20 & 30000 & 30001 -- what ports yo recommended?