Recent content by SeanRog

  1. SeanRog

    First time using LSWS

    Install package gcc on your system: yum install gcc
  2. SeanRog

    What emulator should I pick?

    What database structure does PlusEmu run? Maybe it's own, I know it's based on Butterfly.
  3. SeanRog

    What emulator should I pick?

    Hello As sad as it is I am considering opening a hotel after 1.5 years since my last one. I haven't touched retros since then but I have been around the scene. A lot has happened since last time I had a hotel. Butterfly got viral, "Azure", "PlusEMU" and Comet Server to mention the biggest ones...
  4. SeanRog

    How did you find Habbo or Retros

    I first played at version +- v18 It was actually my neighbour that introduced me to it. I was introduced to retros by advertisers on the real hotel before v26. I created a fansite for Habbo (with LOL) so that introduced me to coding HTML, JS, CSS. Later I was a DJ at (which...
  5. SeanRog

    A basic pdo database class

    camelCasing public static functions? :-( I don't camelCase rather PascalCase static functions because I think Class::FunctionName(); looks better than Class::functionName(); But in OO classes I camelCase
  6. SeanRog

    SWFs pack?

    Yes, Azure is r63b
  7. SeanRog

    [Help] 401 - Unauthorized Access due to invalid credentials

    I bet the problem included wrong permissions on the webroot folder
  8. SeanRog

    A basic pdo database class

    Use the same connection trough out the script. Take my database handler as an example: /** * @var Database\Connection */ private static $connection; /** * @return Database\Connection */ public static function GetConnection() { if(is_null(self::$connection)) { // Connect to...
  9. SeanRog

    [Help] 401 - Unauthorized Access due to invalid credentials

    Start school over again, you haven't learn to read yet.
  10. SeanRog

    A basic pdo database class

    Really? Are you really going to connect to the Database for every query you run? Oh jesus, I see HTML tags echo'd out.
  11. SeanRog

    SWFs pack?

  12. SeanRog

    Country you wanna go to

    The Maldives.. Jesus it seems so nice!!
  13. SeanRog

    Wut does mr.Lulz look like ? (Dun make meh Lul)

    That's one legit Habbo player xD
  14. SeanRog

    Veteran rank

    Definitely not aiming for Most Lovable User 2015
  15. SeanRog

    Veteran rank

    I have to admit that was kind of inspirational, well done.