Recent content by Obbah_Hotel

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    Need a co-owner for your hotel?

    Need a co-owner for your hotel?
  2. O

    [CODING] Looking For a Teacher [/CODING]

    Start a conversation with me.
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    Yo, You still giving upgrades?

    Yo, You still giving upgrades?
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    Need staff for your hotel?

    Need staff for your hotel?
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    Recruiting Mist Hotel Technician!

    When you say "Account" are you referring to your DevBest account or the Mist Hotel account, because since Mist is new, You won't have a technician for 3 months...
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    What are your (2014) New Year's resolutions?

    Habbo is better than HarryPorterTards
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    What are your (2014) New Year's resolutions?

    Convince Josh not to remove the Habbo Section