Recent content by AlterAxe

  1. AlterAxe

    The Pee pee Hole song

    I don't know what I was expecting... that was very anti-climactic.
  2. AlterAxe

    AlterAxe logo

    That'd be awesome! Seeings as Reedz never done it :(
  3. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Hmm, when I was using BCStorm I didn't have any public rooms and it worked fine, how would I get the public room items?
  4. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    I currently have no data in the rooms table, nor rooms_active.
  5. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Yep HannahMontana Error in packet E|: TokenID: 13System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Butterfly.HabboHotel.Navigators.PublicItem.get_RoomData() in C:\Users\User1\Downloads\R63A\ZAP SOURCE\Butterfly...
  6. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    I got that all fixed now, setting it to allow null fixed it, thanks. But now I try creating a room and it doesn't let me.
  7. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    When I try setting the default value as 0 I get data truncated for column 'currentquestid' at row 1 should I set it to allow null?
  8. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    The datatype for currentquestid is int
  9. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    That's odd, on my line 28 I have "uint questID = Convert.ToUInt32(dRow["currentquestid"]);"
  10. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Thanks, but now I get this on entry to client TokenID: 1Invalid Dario bug duing user login: System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. at System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider) at System.Convert.ToUInt32(Object value) at...
  11. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Hello, I'm trying to edit Zaps R63A emulator to get the SSO from auth_ticket instead of users_tickets, I believe I've almost successfully done it, but when I go to enter the client I receive this error as a critical exception. TokenID: 1Invalid Dario bug duing user login...
  12. AlterAxe

    AlterAxe logo

    Thanks, a white or light grey would be nice.
  13. AlterAxe

    AlterAxe logo

    Hello there devbest! I'm in need of some help, I personally suck at graphics so I'm looking for someone that could create a unique logo for me that says "AlterAxe". The dimensions must be 570 x 140 but it doesn't have to be perfectly that. I'm unable to pay for it, so hopefully someone out...
  14. AlterAxe

    Oops! This link appears to be broken.

    I have been going to my hamachi IP.
  15. AlterAxe

    Oops! This link appears to be broken.

    Hello, Yesterday I was able to connect to my site, as was other people. It's currently using hamachi, If you want to see I'll TV or PM you the Network & Pass. Anyways, last night I restarted my computer and now it appears as Oops! This link appears to be broken. for everyone including me...