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  1. AlterAxe

    The Pee pee Hole song

    I don't know what I was expecting... that was very anti-climactic.
  2. AlterAxe

    AlterAxe logo

    That'd be awesome! Seeings as Reedz never done it :(
  3. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Hmm, when I was using BCStorm I didn't have any public rooms and it worked fine, how would I get the public room items?
  4. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    I currently have no data in the rooms table, nor rooms_active.
  5. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Yep HannahMontana Error in packet E|: TokenID: 13System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Butterfly.HabboHotel.Navigators.PublicItem.get_RoomData() in C:\Users\User1\Downloads\R63A\ZAP SOURCE\Butterfly...
  6. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    I got that all fixed now, setting it to allow null fixed it, thanks. But now I try creating a room and it doesn't let me.
  7. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    When I try setting the default value as 0 I get data truncated for column 'currentquestid' at row 1 should I set it to allow null?
  8. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    The datatype for currentquestid is int
  9. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    That's odd, on my line 28 I have "uint questID = Convert.ToUInt32(dRow["currentquestid"]);"
  10. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Thanks, but now I get this on entry to client TokenID: 1Invalid Dario bug duing user login: System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. at System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider) at System.Convert.ToUInt32(Object value) at...
  11. AlterAxe

    Zaps bfly emu, changing to auth_ticket?

    Hello, I'm trying to edit Zaps R63A emulator to get the SSO from auth_ticket instead of users_tickets, I believe I've almost successfully done it, but when I go to enter the client I receive this error as a critical exception. TokenID: 1Invalid Dario bug duing user login...
  12. AlterAxe

    AlterAxe logo

    Thanks, a white or light grey would be nice.
  13. AlterAxe

    AlterAxe logo

    Hello there devbest! I'm in need of some help, I personally suck at graphics so I'm looking for someone that could create a unique logo for me that says "AlterAxe". The dimensions must be 570 x 140 but it doesn't have to be perfectly that. I'm unable to pay for it, so hopefully someone out...
  14. AlterAxe

    Oops! This link appears to be broken.

    I have been going to my hamachi IP.
  15. AlterAxe

    Oops! This link appears to be broken.

    Hello, Yesterday I was able to connect to my site, as was other people. It's currently using hamachi, If you want to see I'll TV or PM you the Network & Pass. Anyways, last night I restarted my computer and now it appears as Oops! This link appears to be broken. for everyone including me...
  16. AlterAxe

    BCStorm "Too many connections"

    Hello, I've been working on setting up BCStorm, and when I open the emulator I get this error; I'm not sure how to fix it, it worked once and now it doesn't. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, AlterAxe. I got that error fixed, anyone know about this one? I've set up a...