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  1. Rogify

    Wall items doesnt work BcStorm

    Hey, I got problem with BcStorm RP emu, (r63b), It doesnt let me to put wall items on walls, I mean it lets some of wall items, but not stuff like windows. Example: And please, dont link me fixed emulators, as this is RP emulator, just the fix. Thanks already :)
  2. Rogify

    Moonshines Phx RP + RevCMS

    Delete, I got it..
  3. Rogify

    [HELP] Blackscreen on RevCMS and Mercury 2.3

    Hello, Devbest. I got a blackscreen when I go to /client, it loads for a second, then it shows black screen I've opened ports too. Client.php External var config.php Thanks already.
  4. Rogify

    [HELP] Mercury Emu - Something Wrong happened: Unable to connect to Remote Server

    Hello, Devbest.I got error installing mercury. It gives me this error; Something Wrong happened: Unable to connect to Remote Server emulator error: I've tried many things, I've changed to my own one, still nothing...
  5. Rogify

    Close Thread please

    Close the thread please
  6. Rogify

    Any Vapers out there?

    Hello, DevBest. I have a question: does any of you vape ? And if you're not sure what vaping is, here is Q&A about e-cigarettes and vaping. What is vaping? Vaping is defined as the act of inhaling water vapor through a personal vaporizer or electronic cigarette. When users draw on the device...
  7. Rogify

    Have you ever had any compact cassette tape

    Hello, Devbest I have a question; Has any of you owned cassette tapes, and if you have, whose artists cassettes they were, and what kind of player you listened to them ? I've had myself 3 cassettes and I got them when I was like 4, Rakim's "The Master", N.W.A.'s "Efil4zaggin" and Ice Cube's...
  8. Rogify

    [HELP] Smash Emulator errors [HELP]

    Hello, Devbest. I got an error with Smash RP Emulator, based on reality. Im using R63 SWFs like supposed to, EMU config. is all good, and using revCMS. Also using IIS and database works. Thanks for help already !
  9. Rogify

    [DEVELOPMENT] MCRun - Browserbased running game

    Hello, DevBest. MCRun is browserbased minecraft styled running game The project simply has a website, and a client The game is working on HTML5 and JS. Also, its compatible on android, and iPhone. Screenshots: Index: Client: To do-list...
  10. Rogify

    Ebola, what you think about it ?

    Hello, Devbest. When youre reading a newspaper, when you're listening to news from the radio, when you're watching news broadcast from the TV, when you're reading news on the net, you'll probably read something about ebola. What is Ebola ? In 1976, Ebola (named after the Ebola River in...
  11. Rogify

    Recruiting [HIRING] StormRP Staff applications [HIRING]

    Hello, Devbest. Today, Im opening applications for me and my friends' Habbo Roleplay We're hiring one manager, and 2 other staff members. APPLICATION FORM: Why should you be hired : Your former experience : Age : Could you help with the bills : Which rank are you applying for : Your...
  12. Rogify

    [RELEASE] Habbo image pack (+40MB) [RELEASE]

    Hello, Devbest. Today, im going to re-release an old pack of Habbo Images, from years 2011-2006/2007 which was originally released in 2011 by WJJ on another forum. It has old Habbo pictures, if you're making your own CMS, this is for you ! What does it include ? Alt Text Symbols Alts Avatars...